Massage Therapy

During the massage she is respectful of boundaries and personal space. You will always be draped appropriately and your health and well-being considered valued and confidential. Likewise the therapeutic depth of pressure is critical for success, it's vital that if you are experiencing a sense of discomfort that you tell her. Communication is important during the session. After the massage it is a good idea to give yourself some quiet time to relax and allow your body to integrate the massage.
Fees are $100.00 for an hour, and $150.00 for an hour and a half. She does do home visits, once she has either interviewed with her or have been to her office at least once. There are fees for traveling based on the distance.


Massage Quarters

What are massage quarters? They are wooden quarters sold in attractive bags, making them an affordable, healthy gift. They can be used at my office as an individual treatment or bundled together for a longer massage. $25.00, for a 1/4 of an hour, massage quarters, provide relief from stress, carpal tunnel pain reflief, or muscular dysfunction. Call or text for an appointment to reserve your time to rejuvenate.


Swedish-Based Massage


linda rossi

